Aspirations Family Therapy Services

Family Therapy

Family THERAPy

Aspirations Family Therapy (AFT)

Aspirations Family Therapy (AFT) is a safe place for families to explore their strengths and weaknesses while addressing their struggles. At AFT, we accept your definition of family. Using a systemic approach, we will assess the presenting family problem. Part of the assessment will include how your family solves problems and what you can do to face and heal the issues creating difficulties. We will be using a combination of group and individual sessions to accomplish the goals that you want to achieve.

Family therapy takes place in group, weekly or bi-weekly sessions for 1 hour. However, before coming together as a whole group, it may be beneficial to meet parts of the family first before meeting everyone. I will decide before your first meeting in a phone call with me.

Family therapy isn’t easy, but it can be beneficial and rewarding. Family therapy can be intense, uncomfortable, and scary; however, I assure you that I will make it as comfortable as possible. You will find a supportive environment and attention to each family member’s perspective so that each person feels heard and listened to.

Family therapy isn’t easy, but it can be beneficial and rewarding.

FAMILY therapy Pricing

$150 per 50-minute session