Aspirations Family Therapy Services

EMDR Therapy

Individual EMDR

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Along with couples and family therapy, I also offer individual therapy using EMDR as a base.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a highly researched and effective therapy model. It treats trauma, depression, anxiety, and obsessive thinking. It is considered the treatment of choice for PTSD and Complex PTSD. Trauma occurs from many things. Anything that makes a person feel overwhelmed with stimuli and turns on the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn responses has the potential of getting stuck in the emotional brain. If the traumatized brain is left untreated, the brain thinks that the trauma is constantly occurring, which affects how you respond to your relationships, environment, and work/school situations.

EMDR is a technique used in therapy to unlock trauma and help you process your past so that it won’t intrude into your present relationships. It uses bilateral stimulation that allows your brain to process old memories and feelings, which creates distance between the past and the present. These bilateral stimulations help the brain process traumatic memories quicker and more efficiently than talk therapy alone. Once the memory is reprocessed and desensitized, the client will feel detached from the trauma. This detachment makes it easier to let go of the disturbing memory and let it live in the past.

EMDR is safe and effective for adults, toddlers, children, and adolescents. I wouldn’t want to be treating clients without this powerful tool. I have training specifically geared toward children and adolescents and have been using EMDR with clients since 2017 and trust the process entirely.

EMDR is a technique used in therapy to unlock trauma and help you process your past so that it won’t intrude into your present relationships.

EMDR therapy Pricing

$125 per 50-minute session